
15 year old ghost mystery possibly solved - JREF Forum

語学が超苦手なので一々「Yahoo!翻訳 - テキスト翻訳」で翻訳しながら読んでるところ。まだほんの一部しか読んでないけれど、さすが本場の懐疑主義者は一味違う。肯定派が圧倒的に多いようだが、懐疑派も何人かいる。

I have to say they don't look very alike to me.
Which is not to say the spook's not faked.
And they'd have got away with it, if not for them pesky kids.

俺の翻訳が間違ってたらごめんよSoapy Sam。視線が違うって君は言いたいんだね。そうさ、その通りさ。僕が言いたいのもまさにそこさ。

There are strong similarities, but also some significant differences. In particular, the postcard photo blown up to a similar scale as the ghost picture is indistinct. Perhaps other pictures of this girl exist taken on the same day as the street scene with improved definition.
